The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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558 lines
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80
VSHIELD1 Version 0.2
Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 by McAfee Associates.
All rights reserved.
Documentation by Aryeh Goretsky.
McAfee Associates (408) 988-3832 office
4423 Cheeney Street (408) 970-9727 fax
Santa Clara, CA 95054-0253 (408) 988-4004 BBS 2400 bps
U.S.A (408) 988-5138 BBS HST 9600
(408) 988-5190 BBS v32 9600
Internet: mcafee@netcom.com
SYNOPSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
- What VSHIELD is, system requirements
AUTHENTICITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
- Verifying the integrity of VSHIELD
WHAT'S NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
- Features, new viruses added in this release
OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
- Detailed description of VSHIELD
OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
- Options to use with VSHIELD
EXAMPLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
- Samples of frequently-used options
INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
- How to install VSHIELD on your system
EXIT CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
- For running VSHIELD from batch files
VIRUS REMOVAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
- What to do if a virus is found
REGISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
- How to register VSHIELD in the U.S. and abroad
TECH SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
- Information you should have ready when calling
APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
- Creating an exception list for the /CERTIFY option
Page 1
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 2
VSHIELD is a virus prevention program for IBM PC and
compatible computers. It will prevent viruses from infecting your
system. When VSHIELD first loads it will search the PC for known
computer viruses in memory, the partition table, boot sector,
system files, and itself and then install itself as a
Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) program. It will then scan all
programs before allowing the system to execute them. If any
program contains a virus, VSHIELD will refuse to allow it to
execute. It will also not allow the system to be warm-booted from
any diskette which contains a boot-sector virus. VSHIELD can
optionally check files that have been validation coded by the
VIRUSCAN (SCAN) program for new, unknown viruses.
VSHIELD can monitor a system for viruses by checking a program
for virus signatures, checking the validation code added by the
VIRUSCAN program to a file, or do both. Two separate programs are
available. The first, VSHIELD.EXE, checks for known viruses as
well as unknown viruses by checking validation codes added with the
SCAN program. The second program, VSHIELD1.EXE, does validation
code checking only. The VSHIELD programs monitor all program loads
regardless of what disk they occur from, unless otherwise
VSHIELD optionally provides access control functions to reduce
the risk of introducing computer viruses from unknown software.
VSHIELD will run on any PC with 256Kb and DOS version
2.0 or greater. VSHIELD1 uses 6Kb of system memory. VSHIELD uses
31Kb of system memory in non-swap mode, or 3Kb if swapping-to-disk
is specified.
VSHIELD is packaged with the VALIDATE program to ensure the
integrity of the VSHIELD.EXE and VSHIELD1.EXE files. The
VALIDATE.DOC instructions tell how to use the VALIDATE program.
The VALIDATE program is distributed with VSHIELD and may be used
to check all future versions of VSHIELD.
The validation results for the VSHIELD Version 80 and
VSHIELD1 Version 0.2 programs should be:
SIZE: 33,403 11,281
DATE: 06-18-1991 02-14-1991
Check Method 1: 5607 6B40
Check Method 2: 0C19 103E
If your copy of the VSHIELD programs differ, they may have been
modified. Always obtain your copy of VSHIELD from a known source.
The latest version of VSHIELD and validation codes for VSHIELD.EXE
and VSHIELD1.EXE can be obtained off of McAfee Associates bulletin
board system at (408) 988-4004.
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 3
Beginning with Version 72, all McAfee Associates programs for
download are archived with PKWare's PKZIP Authentic File
Verification. If you do not see the "-AV" message after every file
is unzipped and receive the message "Authentic Files Verified!
# NWN405 Zip Source: McAFEE ASSOCIATES" when you unzip the files
then do not run them. If your version of PKUNZIP does not have
verification ability, then the message may not be displayed.
Please contact McAfee Associates if your .ZIP file has been
tampered with.
Version 80 of VSHIELD adds a command to ignore program loads
off of specified drives. When the /IGNORE option is activated, the
user can specify from which drives VSHIELD will NOT monitor program
loads. Also, the capabilty to detect unknown boot sector viruses
by scanning for virus-like code has been added. If a diskette boot
sector contains suspicious code and a re-boot request is attempted
from the diskette, VSHIELD will disallow the re-boot and will
report that the disk contains a Unrecognized Boot Sector Virus.
51 new viruses have been added. For a listing of these
viruses, please refer to the enclosed VIRLIST.TXT file for a short
description. For a more complete description, please refer to
Patricia Hoffman's VSUM listing.
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 4
VSHIELD is a memory-resident program that prevents viruses
from infecting your computer. VSHIELD does this by checking
program files before they are loaded into the computer and
executed. If a virus is found, or a program does not match its
validation check, or a file is not on the /CERTIFY list, then
VSHIELD will not allow the file to be executed, preventing the
virus from infecting your system. VSHIELD will also check the disk
the computer is booting from for boot sector and partition table
viruses. In the event that a virus is found, VSHIELD will not
allow the system to reboot and will prompt the user to insert a
clean, write-protected boot disk and run the VIRUSCAN program
to determine the extent of the infection.
When VSHIELD is placed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, it will
install itself each time the system is turned on or rebooted. It
will proceed to check the memory, partition table, boot sector,
system files, and itself for viruses and then install itself as a
Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) program. It then monitors all
program loads for viruses. If a virus is found using Level I
protection, a warning message will be displayed stating the name
of the modified file. If a virus is found using Level II or III
protection, a warning message will be displayed stating the
filename and name of the virus. Loading will then be terminated,
preventing infection of the system by the infected program.
If a program is loaded using the /CERTIFY option that has not been
validated or is not on the exception list, then a message will
be displayed saying that access has been denied.
When the power is turned off and the system is booted (without
VSHIELD) off an infected floppy, VSHIELD will detect the
infection the next time VSHIELD is executed. VSHIELD level II and
III protection will also prevent partition table and boot sector
infector viruses from infecting the system during a a warm reboot
of the system (Ctrl-Alt-Del). It does this by examining the
diskette being booted from and halting the reboot process if a
virus is found.
VSHIELD has four levels of user-selectable protection:
- Level I protection, provided by the VSHIELD1 program, checks
the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) validation code values added
to programs by the VIRUSCAN program's /AV option. If a
program no longer matches its validation code VSHIELD1 will
not allow it to execute. VSHIELD1 will also check the
partition table and boot sector validation codes, if present.
Level I protection provides a minimal degree of protection,
and it is recommended that Level II protection or above be
used if system resources permit.
- Level II protection, provided by the VSHIELD program, checks
program files for virus signatures. A virus signature is a
piece of code or pattern unique to each computer virus strain.
VSHIELD will check the memory, partition table, boot sector,
system files, and itself for viruses before installing itself
as a TSR program. It will then check programs loaded after
it installs itself for computers viruses. If a virus is
found, VSHIELD will not allow the program to execute. VSHIELD
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 5
will also not allow a computer to be warm-rebooted from a
diskette infected with a partition table or boot sector
- Level III protection is a combination of Level I and Level II
- Level IV protection is access control and allows the user to
specify which programs can and can not be run. Level IV
protection can be set up so that only programs that are listed
in a certification file may be run on a given system. It may
also be set up so that only those programs that have been
validated by VIRUSCAN may be run.
Each level of protection has its advantages and disadvantages.
The Level I protection, VSHIELD1, requires the least amount
of system overhead, using 6Kb of system memory. It provides
minimal protection, however.
The Level II, III, and IV protections requires 31Kb of system
memory, but this can be reduced to 3Kb by using the /SWAP option.
The /SWAP option leaves a VSHIELD kernel in memory that swaps
the main body of the program in and out of memory as needed.
VSHIELD will add an average of three seconds to each program
load, and six seconds to each reboot. Using the /SWAP option adds
an additional 600 milliseconds to each program load. VSHIELD
will not degrade the performance of the system in any way once a
program has been loaded.
VSHIELD1 will add an average of 1 second to each program load.
NOTE: VSHIELD and VSHIELD1 should not be used simultaneously.
Either one or the other should be selected.
VSHIELD and VSHIELD1 will monitor your system for attempts to
load an infected program. If an infected program is loaded,
VSHIELD will display a message stating the name of the file, the
virus infecting it, and will prevent the file from being executed;
and VSHIELD1 will display a message stating the name of the file,
the fact that it has been modified, and will prevent the file from
being executed.
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 6
To run VSHIELD type:
VSHIELD /CERTIFY filename /CHKHI /CONTACT message /CV /F pathname
/IGNORE d1:...d26: /LOCK /M /NB /NOMEM /SWAP pathname
Options are:
/CERTIFY filename - Enable access control with exception list
/CHKHI - Check High Memory Area on 286/386 PC's
/CONTACT message - Display message when virus is found
/CV - Check validation codes added by VIRUSCAN
/IGNORE d1...d26 - Ignore program loads from drives d1:...d26:
/LOCK - Halt and freeze system when virus is found
/M - Scan memory for all viruses during install
(see restrictions below)
/NB - Disable boot sector checking
/NOMEM - Skip memory checking
/REMOVE - Uninstall VSHIELD from memory
/SWAP pathname - Install VSHIELD kernel as memory-resident
/F pathname - Required parameter for DOS 2.0 or earlier
/WINDOWS - Enable checking of DOS processes under
The /CERTIFY option allows a systems administrator to control
access to executable files. This can be used to prevent
unauthorized software from running that could introduce a computer
virus. When run with the /CV option, /CERTIFY allows only files
that have had validation codes inserted into them with the VIRUSCAN
program to execute. An exception list of "trusted" files can also
be made to allow files on the exception use to be executed. if
/CERTIFY is used wothout the /CV option, then only those programs
in the exception list will be allowed to run on the system. For
instructions on how to create an exception list, refer to Appendix A.
NOTE: Running /CERTIFY without /CV option or an exception list
will prevent all programs other than DOS internal commands from
being run.
The /CONTACT option displays a contact name and phone number
when a virus is found. The name and number message can be fifty
(50) characters long, and can contain any characters. If the
message begins with a slash "/" or a hyphen "-" then the message
must placed in quotation marks.
The /CHKHI option checks the High Memory Area on AT and 386
machines for viruses. The message "Scanning 1088K RAM" will be
displayed. On XT systems with extended memory cards installed,
this will cause the first 64K of RAM to be scanned again. This
option can not be used with the /NOMEM option.
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 7
The /CV option checks validation codes inserted by the
VIRUSCAN program to provide Level III protection as defined above.
If a file no longer matches its validation code, VSHIELD will
report that the file has been modified, that viral infection may
have occurred, and will not allow the program to execute. If the
/CV option is not specified, VSHIELD will provide Level II (virus
signature) checking only. For information about the installation
of CRC validation codes, please refer to the VIRUSCAN program
The /F option is required if the user wishes to use the /SWAP
command and is running DOS 2.0 or earlier. The /F option tells
VSHIELD where it has been loaded from. The complete pathname must
be specified.
The /IGNORE option will specify which drive(s) to ignore
program loads off of. Drives which are ignored will NOT be checked
for viruses. Up to twenty-six drives may be ignored. This option
is for use with network operating systems that have existing virus
protection and is not recommend for use on stand-alone PC's or
networks which have no anti-viral features in use.
The /LOCK option will halt the system if a virus is found so
that processing cannot continue.
The /M option tells VSHIELD to check system memory for all
known computer viruses that are memory resident before installing
itself. By default, VSHIELD only checks memory for critical and
"stealth" viruses, which are viruses that can cause damage or
spread during the scanning process. If a critical or "stealth"
virus is found, VSHIELD will stop the system and advise the user
to cold boot the machine from a clean copy of DOS and scan the
system for viruses. For a listing of critical viruses, see the
VIRUSCAN documentation.
The /NOMEM option is used to turn off all memory checking for
viruses during installation. It should only be used when a system
is known to be free of viruses. This option can not be used with
the /M option.
The /NB option will tell VSHIELD not to look at the partition
table and boot sector.
The /REMOVE option will uninstall the VSHIELD program and
remove it from memory. If other memory-resident programs prevent
VSHIELD from being uninstalled an error message will appear.
The /SWAP option tells VSHIELD to install only its kernel as
memory resident. The VSHIELD program will then be swapped in and
out of memory as needed from a hard disk or RAM disk. The
placement of a path after the /SWAP command is optional, and should
only be used if VSHIELD is to be swapped from other than the path
from which it is being executed.
NOTE: The /SWAP parameter should only be used if the computer has
a limited amount of system memory available for memory-resident
programs. It is recommended that VSHIELD be used without the /SWAP
option whenever memory permits.
The /WINDOWS option should be used when running Windows 3.0.
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 8
To run VSHIELD1 type:
Options are:
/NB - Bypass boot sector checking
/REMOVE - Uninstall VSHIELD1 from memory
The /NB option will tell VSHIELD not to look at the partition
table and boot sector. This option should only be used if VSHIELD1
continually reports that the boot sector has been modified. This
occurs on some old Hewlett Packard and Zenith systems because they
modify the boot sector each time the system is booted. Check your
system's manual to determine if your system contains self-modifying
boot code.
The /REMOVE option will uninstall the VSHIELD1 program and
remove it from memory. If other memory-resident programs prevent
VSHIELD1 from being uninstalled an error message will appear.
The following examples are shown as they would be typed in on
the command line.
To install VSHIELD (Level I protection)
To install VSHIELD (Level II protection)
To install VSHIELD (Level III protection)
To Install VSHIELD (Level IV protection) with CRC and
exception list checking.
To install VSHIELD kernel only as memory resident and
swap from root directory of disk on DOS 3.0+ system
To install VSHIELD kernel only as memory resident and
swap from root directory of disk on DOS 2.0 system
VSHIELD /CV /CONTACT "Please Contact the PC Help Desk"
To install VSHIELD using Level III protection, and
display a message if virus is found.
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 9
VSHIELD and VSHIELD1 should normally be placed at the
end of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The exception to this is any
AUTOEXEC.BAT that contains a menu program, such as MS-DOS's
DOSSHELL program, PC Tool's PC Shell, or Norton Commander.
If using such a program, VSHIELD or VSHIELD1 should be
loaded before it.
If network drivers are being used, VSHIELD *MUST* be
loaded AFTER the network drivers, preferably at the end of the
AUTOEXEC. This is because network drivers replace normal DOS
functions in a manner that prevents VSHIELD from recognizing
program loads if VSHIELD is loaded first. Running VSHIELD after
network drivers have been loaded will ensure proper virus
It is recommended that VSHIELD be used in non-swap mode if
free memory permits. Use of the /SWAP option may cause conflicts
with programs that fail to allocate memory properly. If conflicts
occurs do occur, remove the /SWAP option and reboot the machine.
If there is not enough memory to load VSHIELD in non-swap mode,
than the VSHIELD1 program should be used instead.
VSHIELD will set the following DOS ERRORLEVELS prior to going
0 | No viruses found
1 | One or more viruses found
2 | Abnormal termination (program error)
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 10
What do you do if a virus is found? You can contact McAfee
Associates for help with removing viruses by BBS, FAX, telephone,
or Internet. There is no charge for support calls to McAfee
The CLEAN-UP universal virus disinfection program is available
and will disinfect the majority of reported computer viruses. It
is updated with each release of the SCAN program to remove new
viruses. The CLEAN-UP program can be downloaded from McAfee
Associates BBS, the SIMTEL20 archives on the Internet, or from the
agents listed in the enclosed text file.
It is strongly recommended that you get experienced help in
dealing with viruses, especially critical viruses that can damage
or destroy data [for a listing of critical viruses, see the /M
option under OPTIONS, above] and partition table or boot sector
infecting viruses, as improper removal of these viruses could
result in the loss of all data and use of the disk(s).
For qualified assistance in removing a virus, please contact
McAfee Associates directly or check the enclosed AGENTS.TXT file
for an Authorized McAfee Associates Agent in your area. Agents may
charge McAfee Associates normal support rates for their services.
In order to facilitate speedy and accurate support, please
have the following information ready when you contact McAfee
- Program name and version number.
- Type and brand of computer, hard disk, plus any
- Version of DOS you are running, plus any TSRs or device
drivers in use.
- Printouts of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.
- The exact problem you are having. Please be as specific
as possible. Having a printout of the screen and/or
being at your computer will help also.
McAfee Associates can be contacted by BBS or fax twenty-four hours
a day, or call our business office at (408) 988-3832, Monday
through Friday, 8:30AM to 6:00PM Pacific Standard Time.
McAfee Associates (408) 988-3832 office
4423 Cheeney Street (408) 970-9727 fax
Santa Clara, CA 95054-0253 (408) 988-4004 BBS 2400 bps
U.S.A (408) 988-5138 BBS HST 9600
(408) 988-5190 BBS v32 9600
Internet: mcafee@netcom.com
VSHIELD Version 3.9V80 Page 12
APPENDIX A: Creating an Exception List for the /CERTIFY Option
The Exception List data file should be created with an editor
or word processor and saved as an ASCII text file. Be sure each
line ends with a CR/LF pair.
NOTE: The /CERTIFY option is intended for use in environments
where there is significant risk of viral infection due to the use
of unauthorized software. It is not intended for use in an
environment where new software is introduced on a continious basis.
When /CERTIFY is run with the /CV option, only files that have been
validated by the VIRUSCAN program will be allowed to run. When run
with an Exception List, only files in that list will be allowed to
run. Running /CERTIFY with both the /CV option and an exception
list will allow both files that have been validated with the
VIRUSCAN program and files on the exception list to be run.
The Exception List uses the following format:
*more comments
Where "d:" is the name of the drive, "\pathnam1\" is the name of
the path, and "filename.ext" is the name of the file, including the
extension. Up to 1,000 characters worth of filenames can be
specified. Comment lines are preceded with an asterisk "*" and are
ignored by VSHIELD.
Running /CERTIFY without /CV option or an exception list will
prevent all programs other than DOS internal commands from being